Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have two finals on Thursday. Computer Science (IS 52) and Natural Science. I need a high C and B on the finals. But am I studying? NOPE. Why? I DO NOT KNOW!! They're both cumulative and I think I'm just done with school. I have attempted to make flashcards for my computer class but as you can see... There's just too many things to remember!

I have a thousand flashcards... I can't do it!

My nice workspace....

My brain cannot handle it anymore. I will be officially done with my Undergrad on Thursday at 7PM. I wish I could be an awesome student and study really hard and pull out A's. But there's always something better to do... Like watch Terminator... Or Starship Troopers... Or Blog Stalk... Or go on Wikipedia and Failblog...

Am I the only one that is DONE with studying?? Hopefully I will be able to wing it cause I don't think I'm gonna study much more...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Packing and....Uh.... UNpacking....

So I started to pack my stuff up last week because I want to be ahead of the game and not rush to pack everything at the last minute. My parents are going to take a bunch of my stuff home after Thanksgiving too. So I packed away all my movies, videogames, Summer clothes and various other things that I really don't need.
As it turns out, I got extremelly bored one day and decided that packing up my videogames was a not so good idea. So, I unpacked them and started to play. I guess me packing early is not so good!
I'm quite proud of myself though for packing up so early. Life is going to be a breeze for when school is over in December... At least when it comes to packing the rest of my stuff!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My New Car!

So last Friday my mom called me and asked me if I wanted to come home for the weekend. Of course I said YES, and she bought me a train ticket... And she said that she had a surprise for me! When I got off of the train, my mom had a new car waiting for me!

It's a '95 Ford Bronco for when I move back home to Round Mountain. Its super amazing! It gets horrible gas mileage but it's worth it since I've driven my old car since 2004 and it was a real piece of work. Its also automatic which makes my life so much better!!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our new puppy!

So my brother's friend Nate found a puppy running around our neighborhood and he brought it home to my brother while the rest of us were out. When we got home we all fell in love with him! He's the sweetest little puppy and so to my surprise my parents decided to keep him!

He was all dirty and covered in ticks (yuck!) but we cleaned him up and he looks pretty good. He's super skinney but over the past week he's been putting on some weight. We went through a bunch of names for him and for awhile we were calling him Dash, but it didn't suit him so we dubbed him:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My first blog!

Sooo.... This is my first blog! I have decided to do one cause I see it as a more intimate way of communicationg with my friends. I'm looking forward to this and see it as a new way to express myself and keep in better contact with those I care about...

Well I guess I will see you all!!